Patti Purls

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Here's the back of the Age of Aquarius sweater, almost done. Sometimes it seems like the last few inches grow the slowest and no matter how many rows I've done it is still the same length. I'm still enjoying the pattern of cables, but wonder if I'll finish this before it is too warm to wear it. Let's see, when I cast it on it was a Thursday, um, February 21st and it is now March 1. It took nine days to get this big, some of which I couldn't use for knitting because of having to work for a living. Perhaps ten days per section is reasonable, if I don't get distracted, and the front is a section and the sleeves *could* be one section so the whole shebang could be over around the end of March. Hmmmm, maybe.

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  • A section every 9 days? Sounds super speedy to me!

    By Blogger Susan, at 5:22 PM  

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