Please Mr. Postman!
What SHOULD I do while I'm waiting? Photograph my stash? List my WIPs? Take more portraits of FOs and try to recall where the patterns came from? I fear that by the time I get my invite, I won't have time to enjoy the pleasure that is Ravelry! Please advise how I can best spend my waiting time!
- You signed up on July 8, 2007
- You are #15138 on the list.
- 3952 people are ahead of you in line.
- 15547 people are behind you in line.
- 36% of the list has been invited so far
What SHOULD I do while I'm waiting? Photograph my stash? List my WIPs? Take more portraits of FOs and try to recall where the patterns came from? I fear that by the time I get my invite, I won't have time to enjoy the pleasure that is Ravelry! Please advise how I can best spend my waiting time!
Labels: Ravelry
I'm sorry, I don't get this obsession with your ravelry queue. How about a martini while you wait?
By Anonymous, at 7:14 PM
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