Patti Purls

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Unfinished Business --- Finished Objects!

Posting pictures of finished objects makes them real, doesn't it? Sometimes I simply start using new garments that I've made and few people I see on a day to day basis even realize that they are the product of my own two hands. Here are two things that I finished recently and not so recently.

Meet my Otis, with my own modifications. With apologies to designer Rebecca Hatcher, I wanted Otis to be a bit longer, perhaps to wear with a tank top and pants. I also made kimono sleeves as I do not like anything snug on my arms in warm weather. I knitted a flat band for my ties that I tapered to icord where they met at the right side. I really like it.

I used eight balls of Rowan Summer Tweed in Blueberry. It took about two weeks to produce. I really like the icord bind off at the back of the neck, a nifty finishing touch. I think my newest project has that -- the Equestrian Blazer by Kate Gilbert in the Interweave Knits Winter 2006. No pictures of that yet, it is just the back in progress.

This is the Brioche Bodice from Interweave Knits Summer 2006. I finished it late last summer, but wore it throughout the winter with a spiffy navy blue suit. The Schaffer "Miss Priss" yarn is 100% wool. What WAS I thinking? I was seduced by the color and wasn't thinking about the impracticality of a sleeveless wool top. On the other hand, it does work well with the suit and keeps me warm without being too warm. The colors are gorgeous! It has blue, navy, purple and bits of green. The yarn pooled in the back on the broiche, which is worked flat and seamed at the sides. I kind of like the pooling there. On the front there are diagonal stripes! Then, on the yoke back the colors magically seeded while still in brioche. I really like the garment and might make it an inch or so longer if I make it again. Maybe it would be good in one of those microfiber summer yarns?

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Happy Birthday Wonderful Husband!

See the cake? For a delicious, rich chocolate cake, you really can't beat the Hershey recipe right on the cocoa can. I bet you have all the ingredients you need right in your cupboard.

The jaywalkers enjoyed the birthday festivities. The blue and purple are mine, of course, and you can see that I frogged out the wooly nylon that looked so diseased. The greens and orange are Sue's. Ideal colors for each of us.

I've been thinking of putting these purty purple socks in the county fair this July. Sue pointed out that I couldn't wear them until after the fair. Point taken, however, at the rate they are growing, that won't be a problem.

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