Patti Purls

Monday, July 16, 2007

Everything Old is New Again!
When I explained to this little peanut that the thing I had in my hand was a sock, she tried it on right away. She is a clothes-horse-in-training, and has learned much.Have you ever seen a more adorable sock model? Oh, yes, the second sock is off the needles and both have been blocked and are patiently waiting for a ride to the county fair.
Now, when these children arrived from Atlanta they were fresh out of a southern heat wave and can be forgiven for not knowing it would ever be chilly again. The fact that their Ohio born and bred mother neglected to pack anything with sleeves when visiting Western New York only gave me an excuse to get out these golden oldies for another romp on a new body when temperatures dipped into the 60's:
Little Peanut is warming up in one of Son2's sweaters that I probably knitted around 1991. I know I made this one in every size the pattern offered because I really liked it and it looked good on my boy back when we lived in Northern New York. It MIGHT have been out of a Hayfield Baby knitting magazine. If I ever get my invitation to Ravelry I will look it up and document the whole family of them!
The Incredible Hulk is showing off a beautiful cardigan that my mother-in-law knitted for Son1 in about 1988 and both sons wore when they were about four years old. My late mother-in-law knitted beautifully and was especially fond of cables and knitting for grandchildren. I'm sure she was very, very pleased to look down from heaven to see this great-grandson keeping the chill away in a sweater she made! It was perfect for him and matched his eyes, too.
This guy isn't a sweater guy. Our family has two kinds of people: Sweater People (SP's) and Non-Sweater People (NSP's). Son2 was an SP when we lived up North but changed to an NSP down here in balmy WNY. This guy didn't really need the sweater, but he followed the program and put it on since everyone else was doing it. Unfortunately for him, I couldn't find the appropriate sweater for a six-year old son (it was a red aran, as I recall, from a Brunswick leaflet, not that remembering THAT could keep a child warm) and so he obliged and put on the one that I made for a ten year old son back in about 1993 (knitting ahead a year).He took it off right after the picture. Can't say that I blame him. He was a good sport about the whole ancestral sweater episode!

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  • How wonderful to see your sweaters enjoying a renewed life with the next generation!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:09 AM  

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